Tower - Your Body Corporate Managers
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Strata News from  Tower Body Corporate for the SEQ region.
August Edition.


This complimentary newsletter forms part of the comprehensive service provided to you - by keeping you informed and up to date with important news, including any changes that are happening in the Strata Industry. It contains news and articles relating to apartment living in the South East Queensland region.

Security alert:  There have been a few articles in the news recently dealing with security issues in apartment car parks around Australia. We remind all of our readers about adhering to safe & secure practices while in these areas. You may be interested in reading the articles:

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Kind Regards

The Team at Tower Body Corporate Administration

How to waste a body corporate’s money

Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
When it comes to body corporate spending, a committee's mind set should be to treat it like their own. If they were spending it from their own pocket, would they contemplate the action?


Apartment Living: How to Make Most out of a Spare Bedroom

Bettina Deda, Downsize With Style author
Secrets to design - find out how to make the best of your space in your spare bedroom, or in any of your apartments rooms. Make the most with what you have.


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Body Corporate Voting Rights and Why You Should Use Them

Lisa Rutland,
Last week I was asked for a source of the Queensland legislation that says 100% of owners need to give permission before a scheme can be terminated. If you do read it though you’ll note that it doesn’t actually say 100% of owners need to agree for the sale to proceed. It says the body corporate must pass a resolution without dissent.
Strata pets

Issues with Pets in strata units

Peter Greenham,
Independent Inspections
Living with pets in strata units has alway had its challenges, especially in relation to the management of the complex and common property areas.

Surfers Paradise unit owners want Joe the galah out and won’t say why

Jack Houghton, Gold Coast Bulletin
Joe’s owner, Tanya Felton, is so upset at the prospect of losing her 30-year-old pet who loves to dance to country swing she is considering selling her beachfront apartment rather than allowing him to fly the coop.

What to do about ‘do-nothing’ strata committees

Jimmy Thomson, Domain
Although we often moan about strata committees interfering in our lives, just as bad, if not worse, are those who prefer to do nothing.


A step behind the reforms...

Simon Barnard, Accomnews
Forty years after the strata title legislation was first introduced, a comprehensive review is now looking at modernising the sector and making the schemes' governance structure more flexible.

Sanctuary Cove slammed for kangaroo slaughter plan

Robyn Wuth, Gold Coast Bulletin
In a statement, Sanctuary CovePrimary Thoroughfare Body Corporate said they engaged wildlife experts to assist in the “prompt management of these animals to assist in preventing any further issues”.


Aaaaah, Schoolies! It's almost that time of year again..

Chris Irons, BCCM via Accomnews
For bodies corporate, onsite managers and lot owners, schoolies can produce a range of issues and a range of questions. As we approach the 2015 schoolies season, it is timely to revisit the discussion about behaviour management in schemes providing accommodation to the annual influx of school leavers.

Australia's explosion in high-rise apartment approvals, in one stunning chart

David Scutt, Business Insider Australia
Approvals for residential unit structures four stories or higher – high-rise apartment buildings, basically – rose to 63,771 in June, the largest level on record. The rise of high-rise has been amazing.

Taipei 101 Pushed to Extremes by Typhoon Soudelor

The world’s second largest skyscraper set a world Record as its wind damper moved over 100cm battling Typhoon Soudelor. Watch the video to see how it works.

LED Case Study

A case study on upgrading to LED lighting

Facility Management Magazine
An interesting case study on upgrading existing car park lighting to LED. This article contains statistics on costs and pay back periods for the project. Interesting reading!

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