Tower - Your Body Corporate Managers
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Strata News from Tower Body Corporate.
May Edition!

In this month’s newsletter you will find the first article on some useful tips and hints for all owners within Tower Body Corporate managed buildings. This may save you time and money in the future.

This complimentary newsletter forms part of the comprehensive service provided to you - by keeping you informed and up to date with important news, including any changes that are happening in the Strata Industry.

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Kind Regards

The Team at Tower Body Corporate Administration

Online Owners Portal

Handy Hints and Tips for Tower Body Corporate Building owners
As an owner within a building managed by Tower Body Corporate, within your owners portal there are a variety of online self-service features that may interest you.


Building Owners and Occupiers

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
If you are an owner, or a business or a person, that is occupying, or managing a building in Queensland, you have a legal obligation to ensure the safety of any person in that building in the event of a fire or other emergency.

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Spending limits

Body corporate spending limits

Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal

The rules relating to body corporate spending limits are scattered across the relevant Regulation Modules. To make things much easier and faster, this post sets all of the details out in the out in one place.

Fire evacuation drawings – the cost of not doing them

Peter Greenham, Independent Inspections
With the latest events regarding the evacuation of buildings, it has become apparent that fire evacuation plans are becoming even more important. What is the cost of not having a plan in place?

Latest News


Peak Body Calls for Urgent Building Inspections, Amid Fire Fears

Strata Community Australia

Strata Community Australia is urging owners corporations nationwide to immediately carry out building inspections as fears rise concerning the widespread use of unsafe, imported building materials.


Small Apartments Set for Big Future

Michael Yardney,

Times are changing, with many home buyers and tenants forced to reflect on whether their priority is square footage and a big backyard in the burbs or getting into a property without breaking the budget.

Apartment towers paying $120,000 bills for hidden water time bombs

HUNDREDS of residents living in an apartment tower were unaware they were paying an extra $120,000 each year due to hidden leaky pipes and high water users in their building.

Hello airbnb guests… goodbye insurance cover?

Whitbread Insurance Brokers, Title Magazine

The boom in internet accommodation sites like Airbnb has led to more Australians opening their doors to people we don’t know. But what if something goes wrong? Lia de sousa, General Manager, Strata, at Whitbread Insurance Brokers, checks out what happens after strangers check-in.

The Body Corporate and Buying and Selling Units

Lisa Rutland,

This article gives you an overview of when and why you might need to contact the body corporate when you are buying and selling a strata titled lot.