Tower - Your Body Corporate Specialists

Strata News | Tower Body Corporate

Welcome to the July Edition of Tower News

We provide the Tower Monthly newsletter to you to keep you informed and up to date with important news, including any changes that are happening in the Strata Industry. It contains news and articles relating to apartment living, particular to the South East Queensland region – and this link will take you to all the informative blogs posted recently on our website.

COVID-19, unfortunately, continues to have an impact on our lives, the lives of our families, friends, acquaintances and those within our respective body corporate communities – and the wider community.

The borders are open and whilst this further easing of restrictions will bring back a greater sense of normality and stimulate business activity, particularly in those businesses which rely heavily on tourism, there are concerns over rising COVID-19 infection rates in the Southern states. By the time you get to read this Newsletter, we should be aware of what impact this further easing of restrictions has had on the prevalence of COVID-19 in Queensland.

Although there are promising reports about the prospect of a vaccine, we are being reminded that this is not the time to become complacent. All bodies corporate need to ensure that the Directions of the Chief Health Officer are complied with in relation to their common property areas and communal facilities. The continuation of enhanced cleaning routines and measures such as social distancing, maintaining personal hygiene including frequent washing of hands, coughing into the elbow, and those with COVID-19 like symptoms not using communal facilities, are all actions being strongly encouraged. Appropriate signage on your premises, easy access to perhaps disinfectant sprays and wipes for those entering the premises and having to touch door handles and lift call buttons will also be very helpful precautionary measures to continue.

And what about the food delivery services? If you are in a high rise, now may be the time to think about installing conveniently located bicycle racks so that the pizza delivery guy does not have to wheel his bike into your lifts and take up the space of two people!

As always, we are very happy for you to forward our newsletter onto family, friends or colleagues - even if they are not part of the Tower Body Corporate community. 

Kind Regards,

The Tower Body Corporate Team

Queensland Border Restriction Measures

As of Friday 10 July, Queensland reopened its borders to all states with the exception of declared ‘hot spots’.

Any individual entering Queensland will need to have a Queensland Border Declaration Pass and any necessary documentation to prove they have not been in a COVID-19 hotspot in the 14 days prior to entering Queensland.



That Victorian lad, Ned Kelly, was way ahead of us!

Q&A Auditing the Body Corporate Accounts

Tammy Lynch,
Tower Body Corporate

Question: Are we required to have an audit of our body corporate accounts carried out? If so, how often and who should conduct the audit?


Q&A Privacy and Correspondence within Body Corporates
Tammy Lynch, Tower Body Corporate

Question: Can a lot owner’s address for service of notices be changed to an email address? Does this apply to General Meeting notices as well as all other mail?

Aria proposes “world’s greenest residential tower” for South Brisbane

Brisbane Development
Aria Property Group has proposed a development application for a thirty storey residential tower in South Brisbane which it claims will be the world’s greenest residential building accomodating a staggering 1,003 trees and 20,000 plants.


Q&A Can a Common Property Asset be Repurposed?

Todd Garsden,

Question: What legal capacity is there for a common property asset (a tennis court) to be re-purposed by a limited number of unit owners?


Latest News

Top 3 sales in Brisbane are apartments

The Real Estate Conversation
Agents from Place, McGrath and Ray White confirm there is a clear demand for inner city waterfront apartments in the Brisbane area.

Coronavirus sees rental vacancy rates plummet in Queensland

Sofie Wainwright and staff, ABC News
Property experts across Queensland say the coronavirus pandemic has created a "perfect storm" for the state's rental market, with less than 1 per cent of rental properties available in some regions and real estate agents flooded with demand.

How will we design apartments after COVID-19?

Branko Miletic, Architecture&Design
Following our collective iso lockdown, it’s safe to say that many of us have discovered precisely what works and what doesn’t about our domestic environments.

‘Total design’: Architect-designed furniture makes small apartments feel as big as possible

Sue Williams, Domain
When investment banker Anais Freyri moved into her new apartment, the only piece of furniture she had to bring was a bed to slide up against the bedhead on the wall. Everything else was already there: built-in and perfectly sized and curated to fit the space.

Why COVID-19 might not change our cities as much as we expect

Christian A. Nygaard, Iris Levin and Sharon Parkinson, University of Technology
What will be the normal way of urban living when the COVID-19 crisis passes? What aspects will remain with us and what will disappear.

What’s on at the Gold Coast

The month of August on the Gold Coast and also the last month of Winter (yay!), brings with it an abundance of events and activities of interest for everyone to get excited about!

From nature walks and bike rides, to planting trees or immersing yourself amongst Queensland’s many diverse cultural groups at the Gold Coast Multicultural Festival 2020, the month of August is a sweet reminder Summer is just around the corner and also how lucky we truly are to live here in Paradise with an array of events and activities on our doorstep, many of which are FREE!

Keep reading for a couple of our fave picks for the month shared below…

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: To encourage Queenslanders to holiday around the state and give the tourism industry a much needed boost, as per the Queensland Government Media Statement dated Thursday, June 04, 2020 – Both the Gold Coast Show Holiday and the Brisbane Ekka Show Holiday have now been moved to create the People’s Long Weekend on Friday 14 August 2020. Click here for the Media Statement.


The Gold Coast Show may be delayed BUT your Show Bag doesn’t have to be!

Can’t wait for the Show and want to treat yourself or your family now?! Head over to the online Show Bag store where you are spoilt for choice and take advantage of their Super Sale Special Offers. May the best Show Bag win!

Federation Walk National Tree Day Planting

Join the City of Gold Coast and the Friends of Federation Walk for National Tree Day and help to revegetate and restore the 91-hectare Federation Walk Coastal reserve at the Spit, Main Beach. There will be 3000 native trees to plant.
National Tree Day started in 1996 and has grown into Australia's largest community tree-planting and nature care event. It’s a call to action for all Australians to get their hands dirty and give back to the community.
The event is suitable for all ages but bookings are essential for further details.
Supported by Division 10 Councillor Darren Taylor.

Please book online via their web link provided below.
When: From: 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM, Saturday, 1 August 2020
Where: Federation Walk Coastal Reserve
Cost: Free
Phone: 1300 465 326
Web: Event Link

Gold Coast Multicultural Festival 2020

The annual Gold Coast Multicultural Festival is the premier whole-of-city event for our region. It is an event that the whole family can enjoy, providing an unprecedented display of South East Queensland's cultural diversity including international food, art, craft, and cultural information - up to 75 stalls!
The event will also feature up to 185 international performers (music, dance, drumming, instrumentals) on our three Festival stages, plus children's rides/activities.
Performers at the Festival originate from diverse cultural communities such as Africa, Armenia, Australian Aboriginal, Bosnia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Ethiopia, Hawaii, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Middle Eastern countries including Saudi Arabia, Maori (New Zealand), Pacific Islander, Philippines, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Tahiti and Turkey.
The event serves to promote greater awareness and participation in cultural activities, supports celebrations of place, and promotes a greater sense of community and belonging whilst generating greater understanding and respect between Queensland's many diverse cultural groups.
When: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Sunday, 2 August 2020
Where: Southport Broadwater Parklands

Cost: Free
Contact: Ben Brauer – 07 5500 5888
Web: Event Link
