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Chris Smith 2GB873AM + Urban Studies expert Associate Professor Sebastian Pfautsch
“You’re covering much more of the ground area with hard surfaces, they store energy and reradiate that as heat into your low atmosphere making it hotter.”
Tara Cassidy, Cathy Border and Alyssa Martin, ABC News
A former Queensland government body corporate commissioner says a recent ban on a unit owner smoking on her balcony could set a precedent for anything that could be deemed a health hazard including pet urine and barbecues to smoking or vaping at office buildings.
Darren Cartwright, News Corp Australia Network
A body corporate has been slammed for cutting a tenant’s electricity supply and demanding a $3000 bond because their “sons” drove inappropriately on common property.
Dominic Cansdale, ABC News
Data from Domain shows median price increases of almost 60 per cent across some suburbs last year, creating a "cascading effect" for neighbouring areas.