Did you know that a Body Corporate must elect a Committee at the Annual General Meeting each year? It is a legal requirement, and there’s a process which must be followed.
As a unit owner, joining the Committee is a great opportunity for you to become involved in the management of your community/complex. An owner who has the best interest of all owners at heart will be well suited to joining the Committee.
The idea of being on the Committee can be a daunting prospect for some owners who believe the role can be too time consuming. However, you will find that an effective Committee who works in conjunction with the Body Corporate Manager and Onsite Manager (if the case may be) requires minimal time commitments.
So don’t let this hold you back from nominating!
Nominating to serve on the Committee
Committee nominations are due prior to the end of the Body Corporate’s financial year.
No less than 3 weeks before (but not more than 6 weeks before) the end of the Body Corporate’s financial year, the Committee Secretary or Body Corporate Manager must send the request for nominations out to each lot owner.
If a lot owner chooses to nominate to serve on the Committee, their nomination must be returned to the Secretary or Body Corporate Manager by the last day of the Body Corporate’s financial year.
Nominations submitted after this date are unable to be accepted as valid.
Lastly, when the nomination is received by the Secretary or Body Corporate Manager, the person who is making the nomination, and the person being nominated, must be financial – meaning that their body corporate levy payments must be up to date.
Both must also be financial at the time of being elected at the Annual General Meeting.
How many nominations can an owner put forward?
A lot owner may nominate one eligible person for each Lot that they own, for a position on the Committee. However, please note that person who is being nominated can be nominated for more than one position on the committee.
Who can be nominated for a Committee?
A lot owner can nominate any of the following persons:
- Themselves, as a Lot owner, a Lot Co-Owner or a Corporate Nominee
- Another lot owner
- A person they have appointed as their power of attorney
- A member of their immediate family
Like to know more about how to nominate to body corporate committee and what committees do? Check out more of our articles:
- What is the Role of the Body Corporate Committee
- The difference between the Body Corporate, the Committee and the Manager
As Body Corporate Managers, we help our clients understand the nomination requirements, provide the correct forms, and assist with following the nomination process.
2 replies on “QLD: How to nominate to a Body Corporate Committee”
Hi- who decides which nominations are accepted by the committee?
Do other residents vote for the nominee?
What is the process once a person submits their nomination to join the existing committee prior to the AGM.
How do residents know who to vote for and how?
A notice asking for committee nominations has to be sent to all powers prior to the end of the financial year. At that stage any owner can nominate and they would be listed as a candidate for the next committee. If only one person nominates for a position then that person will be elected automatically, unopposed. If more than one nominate then there will have to be a vote to decide between them. If there are any issues with a nomination received – such as if a nominee is unfinancial – that would be determined by the secretary probably with the assistance of the body corporate manager.
You don’t become a member of the committee just by submitting your nomination. You have to wait until the AGM. The only way to join an existing committee is if a vacancy opens – perhaps if a committee member sells or resigns.
There is no set way for residents to know who to vote for. Some committee members might campaign, some might send out general information to owners about candidates many others will just do nothing. All you can really do is try and speak to your fellow owners and try and work out who best to vote for.