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Tower’s new app can boost communication across your body corporate

If you have read this newsletter over the past few months, you will know Tower has rolled out a new app for our customers.

Over time, we hope it will become a major tool in the way we communicate with owners in your building, the way you communicate with us and the way body corporate communities communicate with each other.

That won’t happen overnight but whenever you look at why a body corporate is experiencing issues, all too often the root cause is a breakdown of communication. The tools we currently use to interact with body corporate stakeholders – meetings, emails and phone calls – all have their deficiencies. Adding digital technology into the mix is the next step in improving the dialogue among body corporates and hopefully achieving our goal of putting you in a position to make the right decisions for your scheme.

So, let’s see what you can do with the new toy:

Check your levy position:
Download your levy notice any time you need it. Just like that. No need to contact your manager and wait for them to get back to you.

Access Critical documents:
Click on the documents button to review and download critical documents for your site including minutes, the CMS and relevant certificates. We are all about transparency, so Tower is updating these documents as they come in. You should always be able to see the key information and more documentation will be available soon.

Report a maintenance issue:
The maintenance tab lets owners send through details of any maintenance request. The handy prompts ensure you provide the information body corporates need to assess responsibility and assign a contractor.

Easy reminders for meetings and maintenance:
How many owners forget about the AGM? Too many. Tower will send reminders a few days before every meeting to help elevate voting numbers. What about if there is an emergency at your site? Now we can connect with owners directly to let them know what’s happening and what to expect.

Submit an application:
Want to do some renovations? Have a pet? Just fill in the online forms and the process can begin without delay.

Update your details:
Have you changed your contact details? No problem, just let us know through the app and we can update records straight away.

Call a poll:
Sometimes you have an idea and you just want to test the waters. Use the app to call a poll and see what people think. If the idea has support, you can have the confidence to proceed.

Send out a survey:
If you really want to know what owners think, send out a survey about your scheme. It’s a great way to gauge what owners think about issues and help determine the future of your site.

Set up a chat group:
Are you tired of exchanging email after email? Committees can now use chat groups for faster discussion and decision-making.

The Tower app is available on Android via the Google Play store and Apple at the App Store – download our app today using the below links:


If you have any questions about downloading the app, ask your manager for assistance:

Tammy Lynch: tammy.lynch@towerbodycorporate.com.au P: 0466 156 765
Samantha Morrison: samantha.morrison@towerbodycorporate.com.au P: 0434 670 058
Kelly Borell: Kelly.borell@towerbodycorporate.com.au P: 0435 766 852
Will Marquand: will.marquand@towerbodycorporate.com.au P: 0427 125 656

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