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Body Corporate Committee Owner Strata scheme

Welcome to the World of Online Voting

Strata Vote would like to welcome Tower Body Corporate Administration, as well as their owners and Committee Members to the world of Online Voting.

Any owner or Committee Member who travels regularly or lives overseas understands the inconvenience and delay of having to receive correspondence by post. In addition to this, over 62% of Strata Managers surveyed have reported challenges with meeting notices and voting papers not being received at all, while over 54% reported challenges with them being received late.

Even if owners do receive their meeting notices on time, it can be quite overwhelming receiving 50+ pages of documentation and have to sort through it on your own and connect which pages relate to which motions. I can’t tell you how many times I have had owners phone me months after their AGM and ask me why nobody told them their levies were going up…..

With online voting, owners can receive their meeting notice and voting paper, including Secret Ballots and Committee Elections, instantly. You can vote simply by clicking a link in your email, selecting how you wish to vote and clicking submit. Meeting notice can be set out clearly and prompt you to go to the next section when required as well as having attachments included as links within the relevant motion so that you know exactly what information is relevant to that particular motion. You no longer need to flick through dozens (sometimes over 100) pages to work out what information applies to each motion. Your vote can then be instantly recorded (keeping your secret vote secret).

This will be of a huge advantage to all owners (including those that attend the meeting and do not vote on-line), with some of the benefits including:

  • Cost savings
  • Greater owner engagement
  • Flexibility
  • Time savings
  • Reduced error rate
  • No lost, late or incomplete voting papers
  • Environmentally friendly

It is important that all owners have a say in the way their complex operates and the best way to do this is to vote at your meetings. Online voting will make it easier for everyone to vote and make sure that they can contribute to their scheme, without the time and frustration that comes from receiving a huge meeting pack in the post.

To find out more about how to implement electronic voting in your scheme please contact your Strata Manager at Tower Body Corporate Administration.

This article has been supplied by Amanda Hoy, Business Development Manager at Strata Vote.

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